
Your mind will calm down due to the absence of stimuli from the outside world.


The absorption of magnesium through skin releases all tension generated in the body.


Since your mind is calm and your body is relaxed, you feel completely at peace.


Experience the sensation of floating.

If you feel the need for complete relaxation, rejuvenation, a "reset," or simply have the desire to float and experience weightlessness – we are the right place FOR YOU.


We offer you a 15% discount if you purchase three or more sessions.


Healing effects

01 Floating


Immerse yourself in highly saline water, just like in the Dead Sea. The density of the water ensures that your body floats on it.

02 Self-relaxation


Self-relaxation is a practice that trains you to completely relax yourself, "disconnect" for a short time, relax your body and mind, and achieve a brief rejuvenation. This technique is a form of self-hypnosis that you perform alone, whenever you need to find calm.